class LogicalOr extends Constraint (View source)
Logical OR.
protected | $exporter | from Constraint | |
protected Constraint[] | $constraints |
Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other
Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other. Returns true if the constraint is met, false otherwise.
Counts the number of constraint elements.
Throws an exception for the given compared value and test description
Return additional failure description where needed
No description
Returns a string representation of the constraint.
in Constraint at line 26
at line 60
evaluate(mixed $other, string $description = '', bool $returnResult = false)
Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other
If $returnResult is set to false (the default), an exception is thrown in case of a failure. null is returned otherwise.
If $returnResult is true, the result of the evaluation is returned as a boolean value instead: true in case of success, false in case of a failure.
in Constraint at line 76
protected bool
matches(mixed $other)
Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other. Returns true if the constraint is met, false otherwise.
This method can be overridden to implement the evaluation algorithm.
at line 106
Counts the number of constraint elements.
in Constraint at line 100
fail(mixed $other, string $description, ComparisonFailure $comparisonFailure = null)
Throws an exception for the given compared value and test description
in Constraint at line 133
protected string
additionalFailureDescription(mixed $other)
Return additional failure description where needed
The function can be overridden to provide additional failure information like a diff
in Constraint at line 151
protected string
failureDescription(mixed $other)
Returns the description of the failure
The beginning of failure messages is "Failed asserting that" in most cases. This method should return the second part of that sentence.
To provide additional failure information additionalFailureDescription can be used.
at line 27
setConstraints(array $constraints)
at line 86
Returns a string representation of the constraint.