class SameSize extends Count (View source)
protected | $exporter | from Constraint | |
protected int | $expectedCount |
No description
Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other
Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other. Returns true if the constraint is met, false otherwise.
Throws an exception for the given compared value and test description
Return additional failure description where needed
at line 22
__construct(int $expected)
in Constraint at line 49
evaluate(mixed $other, string $description = '', bool $returnResult = false)
Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other
If $returnResult is set to false (the default), an exception is thrown in case of a failure. null is returned otherwise.
If $returnResult is true, the result of the evaluation is returned as a boolean value instead: true in case of success, false in case of a failure.
protected bool
matches(mixed $other)
Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other. Returns true if the constraint is met, false otherwise.
in Constraint at line 86
Counts the number of constraint elements.
in Constraint at line 100
fail(mixed $other, string $description, ComparisonFailure $comparisonFailure = null)
Throws an exception for the given compared value and test description
in Constraint at line 133
protected string
additionalFailureDescription(mixed $other)
Return additional failure description where needed
The function can be overridden to provide additional failure information like a diff
protected string
failureDescription(mixed $other)
Returns the description of the failure.
The beginning of failure messages is "Failed asserting that" in most cases. This method should return the second part of that sentence.
protected int|null
getCountOf(Countable|Traversable|array $other)
protected int
getCountOfGenerator(Generator $generator)
Returns the total number of iterations from a generator.
This will fully exhaust the generator.