Marker interface for PHPUnit exceptions.
We have a TestSuite object A.
Runner for PHPT test cases.
Suite for .phpt test cases.
A Decorator that runs a test repeatedly.
A Decorator for Tests.
Base class for test listeners that interact with an issue tracker.
A set of assertion methods.
Thrown when an assertion failed.
An empty Listener that can be extended to implement TestListener with just a few lines of code.
Abstract base class for constraints which can be applied to any value.
Constraint that asserts that the array it is evaluated for has a given key.
Constraint that asserts that the array it is evaluated for has a specified subset.
Constraint that evaluates against a specified closure.
Constraint that asserts that the class it is evaluated for has a given attribute.
Constraint that asserts that the class it is evaluated for has a given static attribute.
Constraint that checks if the directory(name) that it is evaluated for exists.
Constraint that checks if the file(name) that it is evaluated for exists.
Constraint that asserts that the value it is evaluated for is greater than a given value.
Constraint that accepts any input value.
Constraint that checks whether a variable is empty().
Constraint that checks if one value is equal to another.
Constraint that accepts false.
Constraint that accepts finite.
Constraint that asserts that one value is identical to another.
Constraint that accepts infinite.
Constraint that asserts that the object it is evaluated for is an instance of a given class.
Constraint that asserts that a string is valid JSON.
Constraint that accepts nan.
Constraint that accepts null.
Constraint that checks if the file/dir(name) that it is evaluated for is readable.
Constraint that accepts true.
Constraint that asserts that the value it is evaluated for is of a specified type.
Constraint that checks if the file/dir(name) that it is evaluated for is writable.
Asserts whether or not two JSON objects are equal.
Provides human readable messages for each JSON error.
Constraint that asserts that the value it is evaluated for is less than a given value.
Constraint that asserts that the object it is evaluated for has a given attribute.
Constraint that asserts that the string it is evaluated for matches a regular expression.
Constraint that asserts that the string it is evaluated for contains a given string.
Constraint that asserts that the string it is evaluated for ends with a given suffix.
Constraint that asserts that the string it is evaluated for begins with a given prefix.
Constraint that asserts that the Traversable it is applied to contains a given value.
Constraint that asserts that the Traversable it is applied to contains only values of a given type.
Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a test that does not execute the code it wants to cover.
Wrapper for PHP errors.
Wrapper for PHP deprecated errors.
Wrapper for PHP notices.
Wrapper for PHP warnings.
Base class for all PHPUnit Framework exceptions.
Wraps Exceptions thrown by code under test.
Exception for expectations which failed their check.
A marker interface for marking any exception/error as result of an unit test as incomplete implementation or currently not implemented.
An incomplete test case
Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of an incomplete test.
Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark a test as risky when it does not have a @covers annotation but is expected to have one.
Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a test that printed output.
A marker interface for marking any exception/error as result of an unit test as risky.
Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a risky test.
Interface for classes that can return a description of itself.
A marker interface for marking a unit test as being skipped.
A skipped test case
Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a skipped test.
Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a skipped test suite.
Creates a synthetic failed assertion.
A Test can be run and collect its results.
A TestCase defines the fixture to run multiple tests.
A TestFailure collects a failed test together with the caught exception.
A Listener for test progress.
A TestResult collects the results of executing a test case.
A TestSuite is a composite of Tests. It runs a collection of test cases.
Extension to PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError to mark the special case of a test that unintentionally covers code.
Thrown when there is a warning.
Base class for all test runners.
The standard test suite loader.
An interface to define how a test suite should be loaded.
This class defines the current version of PHPUnit.
A TestRunner for the Command Line Interface (CLI) PHP SAPI Module.
Prints the result of a TextUI TestRunner run.
A TestRunner for the Command Line Interface (CLI) PHP SAPI Module.
Utility class for blacklisting PHPUnit's own source code files.
Wrapper for the PHPUnit XML configuration file.
Error handler that converts PHP errors and warnings to exceptions.
Utility methods to load PHP sourcefiles.
Filesystem helpers.
Utility class for code filtering.
Command-line options parsing class.
Factory for PHPUnit_Framework_Exception objects that are used to describe invalid arguments passed to a function or method.
A TestListener that generates JSON messages.
A TestListener that generates a logfile of the test execution in XML markup.
A TestListener that generates a logfile of the test execution using the Test Anything Protocol (TAP).
A TestListener that generates a logfile of the test execution using the TeamCity format (for use with PhpStorm, for instance).
Utility methods for PHP sub-processes.
Default utility for PHP sub-processes.
Windows utility for PHP sub-processes.
Utility class that can print to STDOUT or write to a file.
Error handler that converts PHP errors and warnings to exceptions.
String helpers.
Test helpers.
Prettifies class and method names for use in TestDox documentation.
Base class for printers of TestDox documentation.
Prints TestDox documentation in HTML format.
Prints TestDox documentation in text format.
Iterator for test suites.
Utility class for textual type (and value) representation.
XML helpers.